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Schedule of Events


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Registration: Grand Bay Suite/PCEA Hospitality Suite

Note: If you cannot make it at this time to check in the Hospitality suite will reopen from 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm


7:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Location: Grand Bay Suite/PCEA Hospitality Suite

Description: The Hospitality Suite is a long tradition of the PCEA. 

Guests are welcome to come at any time to relax and reconnect while enjoying some complimentary beverages and snacks. 



7:00 AM - 9:00 AM | Full-Breakfast | Location: Monterey Bay Ballroom 

Note: Breakfast is for PCEA Membersmeeting attendees, and spouses. 


​12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch Buffet | Location: North Plaza 

Note: Lunch is for PCEA Membersmeeting attendees, and spouses. 


6:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Cocktail Reception | Location: South Plaza

Note: Breakfast is for PCEA Membersmeeting attendees, and spouses. 


6:30 PM - 9:30 PM | Dinner & Awards Ceremony | Location: Monterey Bay Ballroom

Note: Dinner is for PCEA Membersmeeting attendees, and spouses. 


9:30 PM - 11:00 PM PCEA Hospitality Suite | Location: Grand Bay Suite



7:30 AM - 9:00 AM | Full-Breakfast | Location: Monterey Bay Ballroom 

Note: Breakfast is for PCEA Membersmeeting attendees, and spouses





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